President of Ashley Dance Center,
Founder and Artistic Director of Ashley Liang Dance Company, Inc.
Ms. Ashley Liang
Ms. Ashley Liang is a dance artist, dance choreographer, and dance educator. She is not only the President of Ashley Dance Center, but also the Founder and Artistic Director of Ashley Liang Dance Company, Inc. (non-profit organization). She received a Master Degree of Dance Education (Teaching Dance in The Profession) at New York University (NYU), and a Bachelor Fine Art in Dance at Queens College. She also studied professional Chinese dance at Beijing Dance Academy in China.
She got awards of “Excellent Dance Teacher”, “Excellent Dance Choreographer”, and “Distinguish Dancer” presented by New York City Council Peter Koo and New York State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky.
She held a dance production Flowing Colors of Charming Flowers at Alice Tully Hall Lincoln Center on July 6, 2019 which was presented by Ashley Liang Dance Company. She was invited to perform at NY Guggenheim Museum in 2018. She was the choreographer and dancer of Flowing Water and Nocturne In The Autumn Palace in collaboration with a famous Chinese musician, Judy Yeh, at Shih-Hua Judy Yeh Guqin Concert at Carnegie Hall in 2015. She was the female lead “YuHuan” of the dance drama “The Story of YuHuan” presented by Yangtze Repertory Theater of America at NY off-broadway for 16 performances, and she was also the dance choreographer of this production in 2014.
梁坤鈿老师 是 “梁坤钿舞蹈中心” (Ashley Dance Center) 的创办人,“梁坤钿现代古典舞蹈团” (Ashley Liang Dance Company, Inc.) 的创始人和艺术总监。她荣获纽约大学 New York University “舞蹈教育系” 研究生硕士学位,纽约皇后大学 Queens College “舞蹈编导系” 学士学位,并曾在北京舞蹈学院修读 “古典舞蹈系”。
她荣获纽约市议员 Peter Koo和纽约参议员Toby Ann Stavisky颁发 “优秀舞蹈教师” 奖,“优秀舞蹈编导” 奖,和 “优秀舞蹈演员” 奖。
2019年7月6日她以 “梁坤钿现代古典舞蹈团” 在林肯中心举办个人舞蹈专场《流彩花韵》;2018年她被邀请在纽约古根海姆博物馆Guggenheim Museum 表演;2015 年她在纽约卡内基音乐厅给著名古琴演奏家叶时华专场演奏会表演独舞《流水》和《子夜秋歌》;2014年她代表美国长江剧团在外百老汇上演大型话剧《长恨歌》16场,主演 “杨贵妃”,也担任该剧的舞蹈编导。